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Release Limiting Belief Systems

​Recover from Abuse

Let Go of Self Sabotage & Negative Baggage

ReConnect to your Passion

Watch Your Perception of Realty Shift Towards Peace

Release Anxiety

Calm Fears about the state of the world

Watch negative thought patterns just disappear

Support loved ones by tapping via proxy

Let Go of Painful Relationship Patterns

Ease Chronic Nervous System Dysregulation

Release  a wide range of physical symptoms 

Why EFT?

ETF is fast, safe and effective for long lasting results. Because issues are released at cellular and energetic levels many people will experience a simple absence of what was, often completely forgetting what used to cause them such despair & distress. 
EFT is more affordable than traditional therapy with issues often being resolved in a few sessions, so you don't need to spend years in therapy.
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EFT is a gentle way of efficiently discharging negative emotions, stress, traumatic memories and harmful belief systems
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EFT is evidence-based and often helps to clear subtle energies that cause many of the issues that Medical Doctors struggle to treat. This opens up possibilities for vibrancy and freedom from ailments that may have slowed us down for years.
EFT works directly with the nervous system and the mind-body connection often getting to the root cause of so much of our human suffering. This leads to new levels of vibrancy and wellness. 
EFT helps finally release family of origin baggage and patterns for good!

What About Physical Ailments?

"EFT was originally designed to overhaul the psychotherapy profession. Fortunately that goal has been reached as EFT has dramatically reduced therapy time from months or years down to minutes or hours.

Along the way, we kept noticing that profound healings were also taking place. Vision improved, headaches disappeared, cancer pains & symptoms subsided and so on. The reason for this, we found, is that EFT addresses causes that Western Healing Practices have largely ignored. Medicine for example, pays very little attention to disruptions in the body's energy meridians nor does it give much weight to emotional causes. These causes, of course, are the center piece of EFT.

Thus it is no wonder that EFT produces benefits were the medical profession has no answers. The reason is simply because we are taking aim at causes that others have largely disregarded."


~Gary Craig, Founder of EFT

EFT Supports Relief From:

Weight loss anxiety


Sports Performance Issues
Sexual Performance Issues
Relationship issues
Fears & Phobias
Chronic Illness

Respiratory problems
Blood Pressure issues
Women's issues
Children's issues
School performance issues

Test Anxiety

And Many Symptoms Associated with Serious Disease (from migraines to cancer)

©2020 by Ariel Rose

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